Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of MERCEDES-BENZ Actros 2636 Hook lift truck.
Examine the specs of the unit and make a proper choice.
The vehicle was manufactured in 2007.
Gross Vehicle Weight: 26000 kg.
Engine details/gearing and fuel type: Euro 4, diesel, displacement: 11945 cc, engine cylinders: 6, 367 hp, gearbox: automatic.
The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: 6x6, 3-axle, all-wheel drive, ABS, EBS, ESP - electronic stability control.
Driving cab specifics: cab type: sleeper cab, cruise control.
The payload is 12710 kg.
The mileage is 606628 km.
The unit’s location is in Germany.
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RL Leible Nutzfahrzeuge OHG
Elsässer Strasse 61, 77694 Kehl-Neumühl (Karlsruhe-Basel), Germany