Stralis AS260S50Z/P 6x4 Stralis AS260S50Z/P 6x4, EEV, Navi

The current price is 45252 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of Hook lift truck.

Check through the specification of the unit and, if needed, contact the dealer.

The production year is 2014.

The gross weight is 26000 kg.

Engine/driveline: Euro 5, diesel, displacement: 12882 cc, 500 hp, gearbox: automatic, ASR.

The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: suspension: air, 6x4, 3-axle, brakes: disc, ABS, trailer coupling.

Driving cab specifics: cabin, cab type: sleeper cab, fog lights, power windows, electric mirrors, central lock, air conditioner, parking heater, cruise control, power steering, number of seats: 2, number of beds: 1, seat heating, bluetooth, navigation system, board computer.

Max. payload: 13785 kg.

The mileage is 370535 km.

The unit’s location is in Belgium.

If you need to get more information, please contact us.

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Brugsesteenweg 213, 8460 Oudenburg-Roksem, Belgium