Mercedes-Benz Actros 1840 L 4x2 Actros 1840 L 4x2, MultimediaCockpit

It is available for 130572 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of MERCEDES-BENZ Actros 1840 Hook lift truck.

Check through the specification of the unit and, if needed, contact the dealer.

The gross weight is 18000 kg.

The details on engine output, gearbox and emission class are as follows: Euro 6, diesel, displacement: 10677 cc, 394 hp, gearbox: automatic, ASR.

Chassis configuration: suspension: air, 4x2, 2-axle, brakes: disc, ABS, ESP - electronic stability control, trailer coupling.

Cab design: cabin, cab type: day cab, fog lights, power windows, electric mirrors, central lock, air conditioner, cruise control, power steering, number of seats: 2, seat heating, bluetooth, board computer.

The vehicle is located in Belgium.

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Brugsesteenweg 213, 8460 Oudenburg-Roksem, Belgium