Volvo FM 480 8x4*4 tridem

It costs 28000 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of VOLVO FM 480 Hook lift truck.

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The production year is 2009.

Gross weight: 32000 kg.

Engine details/gearing and fuel type: diesel, displacement: 12777 cc, 473 hp, transmission: I sift.

Wheel formula and suspension type: suspension: spring/air, 8x4, wheel base: 3700 mm, ABS, front tires: 385/65, rear tires: 315:80.

Cab comforts include cab type: sleeper cab.

Payload: 18100 kg.

The mileage is 505000 km.

The parking site is in Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa, Finnland, Finland.

If you need to get more information, please contact us.

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Markkinointi Niemi-Korpi Oy

Teollisuustie 22 33960 PIRKKALA, Finland