Volvo FM440 8x2

It costs 19500 Euro.

The list of VOLVO FM 440 Hook lift truck offered for sale in our catalog is constantly increased.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The vehicle was manufactured in 2008.

Gross Vehicle Weight: 34300 kg.

Engine/driveline: diesel, displacement: 12770 cc, 434 hp, transmission: I-sift.

Wheel formula and suspension type: suspension: spring/air, 8x2, wheel base: 4900 mm, ABS, front tires: 315/80, rear tires: 315:80.

The payload is 20900 kg.

Mileage: 580000 km.

The unit’s location is in Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa, Finnland, Finland.

If you need to get more information, please contact us.

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Markkinointi Niemi-Korpi Oy

Teollisuustie 22 33960 PIRKKALA, Finland